Hypnosis is a bridge to the subconscious mind, emotional patterns, imagination, memories, habitual behaviors and intuitive insights. It holds so much valuable information for healing and growth that we are not usually aware of. Hypnotherapy can open a path to access the subconscious for successful and authentic change.

The subconscious is the seat of habitual patterns, it regulates our autonomic body functions, is the part of the mind that dreams, and is a direct pathway to successful lasting change.
Is your subconscious mind sabotaging your conscious goals and success? The most powerful way to reach and let go of old beliefs, change habitual emotional responses and release energy blocks of the subconscious mind is during experiences that are hypnotic in nature.
More About Hypnotherapy
In some hypnotherapy regression sessions a person may recall a memory or a series of memories from the perspective of the subconscious. While in a trance state of hypnosis a person’s awareness is relaxed but also very focused, so it is possible to access old habits and unhealthy patterns for release and change. The analytical mind takes a back seat, as the parasympathetic is activated and the brain moves into the Alpha brain wave state. The state just before sleep or when you are deeply relaxed and feel contented and at ease in both body and mind. In this hypnotic state memories arise and flow more freely and feelings can become much more vivid. As a result of the heightened receptivity that occurs as the subconscious mind is accessed, healing and insights can have a profound and deep impact.
Major events from childhood and even infancy (or from past lives) of both positive and negative nature can have a lasting impact, and so create subconscious habitual expectancies that continue to affect us throughout our lives. Events in extreme cases can serve as an unconscious imprint. An imprint is a powerful single-impact learning experience that we may be unaware of but is stored in our subconscious.This unconscious imprint greatly influences our ways of experiencing ourselves and the world. Much hypnotherapy is about de-programming ourselves from the limiting influences of significant negative experiences from the past.
What makes hypnotherapy regression so powerful is that the emotion, of the past event, and energy attached to it, is brought to light. That in itself is healing, but even more powerful is the opportunity to re-frame and transform that released energy into positive change in the here and now.
There are several different approaches used in hypnotherapy. See Hypnotherapy Services.